Having a plaque for your loved remembered ones
on the Memorial Board is a way of having them
spend the High Holidays and Yizkor Services with you.
* The Memorial Board Plaque includes:
- A plaque on the Memorial Board
- A lit light by the plaque for the entire month of Yahrtzeit
- A yearly reminder letter for Yahrtzeit
- Mention in Yizkor Prayers (4 times a year: Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach, Shavuot)
* Price for Memorial Board Plaque is $540 (one time fee), with payment options if needed.
SPONSOR Information:
* First Name: * Last Name:
* Telephone: * E-mail:
* Billing Address: * City:
* State: * Zip Code:
Deceased's Information:
* First Name: * Last Name:
* Hebrew Name: * Father's Hebrew Name
* Relationship to Sponsor: Husband Wife Sibling Child Other:
Indicate if applicable: Levi Cohen
* Date of Passing (mm/dd/yyyy)
* Time of Passing: Morning Day Night if Evening, time PM
Payment Plan: in full in two installments
* Name of the Credit Card: * Credit Card Type:
* Credit Card Number:    
* Expiration date: * Billing Zip Code:
Credit Card will be charged in two consecutive months
Memorial Plaque Order will not be processed without payment
 Kaddish is a tremendous merit and source of elevation for the soul

One of the most sacred rituals observed by all Jews throughout the generations is the practice of reciting the  Kaddish prayer for those who have passed on from physical life. 

To order kaddish click here